Bissy (cola nut) is the fruit of the cola tree, which is native to the tropical rainforests of Africa. It has typically been kept in many Jamaican homes where it is used as an antidote against poison, usually food poisoning, and allergies.
A study in 2004 has also shown that bissy can inhibit the growth of some bacteria. In general, bissy energises and strengthens the body and is also a tonic. The cola nut, because of its detoxing and antioxidant properties, is also good for the skin, and many Jamaican children have been given bissy tea to detox them before going back to school, especially after a long holiday eating 'cabba cabba' food.
The bissy powder and leaf can also be put onto cuts to promote quicker healing.
Cerassee, another plant also native to Africa, is used within Jamaica for various skin treatments, herbal baths and a number of other things. Cerassee, a good blood cleanser, has also been shown to relieve hard stools, colds and fever in children.
Cerassee is usually taken when there is a feeling that the blood is too sweet and it needs purging. The blood is usually too sweet when the skin tone is not looking too good (rashes and scabs).
Bissy/ Cola Nut
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